Detect Interval Time:
Co-work with the Auto Detect Server, if Auto Detect Server is
enable, 3300IP-TRM will periodically detect if the SIP server is available according this
User Agent:
Encrypt Key:
The particular service system decrypts of the key, matching with the
server Type usage, the key provide by the particular service system supplier, default is
Server Type
he particular service system supplier carries out the sign and
speeches to encrypt, default is common
DTMF Mode:
DTMF signal sending mode: support RFC2833, DTMF_RELAY (inband
audio) and SIP info
RFC Protocol Edition:
Current 3300IP-TRM SIP version. Set to RFC 2543 if the
gate need to communicate to devices (such as CISCO5300) using the SIP 1.0. Default is
RFC 3261.
3.4.2 Iax2 Config
Setting page of public IAX server:
IAX Server Addr:
Register address of public IAX server
IAX Server Port:
Register port of public IAX server
default port is 4569
Account Name:
Username of your SIP account (Always the same as the phone
Account Password:
Password of your IAX account.
Local port:
Signal port of local, default port is 4569
Phone Number:
Phone number of your IAX account
Voice mail number:
If the IAX support voice mail, but your username of the voice
mail is letters which you can not input with the ATA, then you use the number to stand
for your username
Voice mail text:
if IAX support voice mail, config the domain name of your mail box
Echo test number:
If the platform support echo test, and the number is test form, the
config the test number to replace the text format The echo test is to test the woring
status of terminals and platform
Echo test text:
echo test number in text format
Refresh time:
IAX refresh time
Enable Register:
enable or disable register
Enable G.729:
Using G.729 speech coding mandatory consultations
IAX2(Default Protocol):
Set IAX 2 as the default protocol , if not the system will
choose SIP as default