Operator’s Manual Simple AFG Application
Channel Coupling
In electronics design and testing, you sometimes want to have two synchronized clock signals that are
related by a frequency ratio; one clock needs to maintain a certain frequency ratio with the other clock.
Or perhaps, you want to simulate an amplifier with an offset; the amplifier output needs to maintain a
defined offset from the input amplitude.
Press this button
in the More menu to open the Channel Coupling page.
The Channel Coupling section allows you to specify which Channel N (coupled channel) parameter like
frequency, amplitude, offset etc. is related to Channel 1 (reference channel) parameter by a ratio
(multiplying) and an offset (adding).
The equation of the channel coupling is the following:
Ch[N] Parameter = CH1 Parameter*Ratio + Offset
The coupled parameters will change in real time following the changes of Channel 1 parameters to
maintain the specified ratio
offset. You can couple multiple parameters together.