Operator’s Manual Simple AFG Application
The amplitude can be represented in three different formats that can be selected by opening the menu
beside the amplitude label:
Vpp (Peak to Peak Voltage):
it is the difference between the highest and lowest level of the
Vrms (Root Mean Square Voltage):
it is the rms value of the waveform.
it is the power transferred to the load expressed in dBmW (this representation is available
only for sine wave). Its value takes in account the Load set in Channel Settings.
The Vrms and the dBm set in the textbox are referred only to the waveforms amplitude. They
don’t take
into consideration the Offset of the waveform.
It defines the voltage of (Vmax+Vmin)/2 expressed in Volts where Vmax is the maximum level of the
waveform and Vmin is the minimum level of the waveform
High Level [V]
It defines the maximum level of the waveform expressed in Volts