b) Measuring Procedure
Temperature Measurem.: K-type thermocouple (
) for waste or flue gas temperature
for air or ambient temperature.
O2-Measurement :
Electrochemical measuring cell.
CO-Measurement :
Electrochemical measuring cell.
Draft Measurement :
Piezo-resistive principle with internal temperature compensation.
Measuring Duration:
Short-term memory measurements of max. 60 minutes are possible, followed by
a new calibration phase with ambient air.
Waste Gas Measurement : Via an external water separator and filter, the waste gas is fed to the sensors by
means of a gas feed pump. The pump capacity during the feeding phase is
approx. 0.8 l/min.
Sensor Calibration:
60 seconds after switching on the instrument.
CO Concentration:
CO sensor with H compensation, measuring range 0 - 4.000 ppm. Cutoff
threshold at 4.000 ppm for sensor protection via separate flush pump.
The remaining measuring values are not affected. The instrument is switched on
again at a value of 1.600 ppm.
Waste Gas Sampling:
By means of a waste gas sampling probe with retainer cone.
K-type thermocouple (NiCr-Ni)