Piranha4 4K Camera Color User's Manual
Teledyne DALSA
Factory Settings
The factory setting is the cam era settings that w ere ship p ed w ith the cam era and w hich load ed d u ring the
cam era‘s first p ow er-u p . To load or restore the original factory settings, at any tim e, select the
p aram eter and then select the
User Set Load
p aram eter.
: By d efau lt, the u ser settin gs are set to the factory settings.
Default Setting
Either the Factory or one of the User settings can be u sed as the Defau lt Setting by selecting the set in the
User Set Defau lt Selector. The chosen set au tom atically becom es the d efau lt setting and is the set load ed
w hen the cam era is reset of p ow ered u p .
Camera Link Configuration
8, 10, 12
Med iu m
8, 10, 12
Fu ll
*Set Pixel Form at (nu m ber of bits p er p ixel)
Trigger Modes
The cam era‘s im age exp osu res are initiated by a trigger event. The trigger event is either a p rogram m able
internal signal u sed in free ru nning m od e, an external inp u t u sed for synchronizing exp osu res to external
triggers, or a p rogram m ed fu nction call m essage by the controlling com p u ter. These triggering m od es are
d escribed below .
Internal trigger (trigger disabled):
The cam era free-ru nning m od e has a p rogram m able internal
tim er for line rate and a p rogram m able exp osu re p eriod .
External trigger (trigger enabled):
Exp osu res are controlled by an external trigger signal. The
external trigger signal is the Cam era Link control line CC1.
Exposure Controls
Exposure Control modes define the method and timing of how to control the sensor integration period.
The integration period is the amount of time the sensor is exposed to incoming light before the video
frame data is transmitted to the controlling computer.
Exposure control is defined as the start of exposure and exposure duration.
The start of exposure can be an internal timer signal (free-running mode) or an external trigger
The exposure duration can be programmable (such as the case of an internal timer) or controlled by the
external trigger pulse width.
The cam era can grab im ages in one of three w ays. You d eterm ine the three im aging m od es u sing a
com bination of the Exp osu re Mod e p aram eters (inclu d ing I/ O p aram eters), Exp osu re Tim e and Line Rate
p aram eters.