Piranha4 4K Color Camera User's Manual
Teledyne DALSA
If you m u st u se w hite p ap er, m ake su re it is m oving d u ring the calibration p rocess. If
you d o not d o this, you r im age w ill have vertical strip es.
Calibration is easily performed using the TLC ‗cp a‘ comm and .
The cp a com m and has tw o p aram eters.
The first is the nu m ber of lines you w ant to average over. Use a valu e of 4096* to achieve
the best average. (*4080 active p ixels, the last 16 p ixels are inactive.)
The second is the eight bit target valu e you w ant for all th ree colors after calibration.
The cp a com m and takes several second s to com p lete. The slow er the line rate, the longer it w ill
On completion of the ‗cp a‘ com mand , you should see an im age from the camera that is w hite
balanced w ith all three colors at the target level you set.
You are now read y to evalu ate the im age qu ality of the P4 color cam era u nd er you r op erating cond itions.
6. Improving Your Color Image
The color resp onse of the P4 color cam era is qu ite good even w hen u sing w hite LED‘s and even w ithou t
color correction . The cam era has a factory set w hite LED color correction m atrix that can be selected to
improve color resp onse for those using w hite LED‘s. If you are using a d ifferent light source, a suitable
color correction m atrix can be d ow nlo ad ed to the cam era. A softw are tool to generate this is available
w ith the Sap era Essentials p rocessing ap p lications, w hich can be d ow nload ed from the Teled yne DALSA
w eb site (60 d ay free trial). You w ill requ ire a Gretag Macbeth ColorChecker w ith 4 x 6 color elem ents
that you can scan p ast the cam era to com p lete the generation of the m atrix.
Contact Teled yne DALSA‘s technical su p p ort for fu rther d etails here,
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