Teledyne LeCroy
PCI Express Mid-Bus Probe for Summit Analyzers
Version 1.1
5.1 Attaching the Probe head to the Retention Module
The probe design is not keyed, to allow probing of different mid-bus signal assignments. The probe head
has labels indicating side A (Upstream) and side B (Downstream). Side B also has an LED indicator to
show connection. Side A must face odd numbered pins (1,3,5
…) and side B must face even numbered
pins (2,4,6…)
Insert the probe head into the retention module and carefully tighten the two thumbscrews.
The thumbscrews should be screwed in only finger-tight.
The probe is delicate equipment. Please tighten the thumbscrew carefully while
watching the LEDs on the probe pod. Over-tightening the probe header might
damage the miniature probing spring pins.
Connect the other side of the probe cable to the mid-bus probe pod ports marked A [0-3] and
B [0-3) The mid-bus probe pod amplifies the signal and sends it to the analyzer. The PCIe
2.0 (Gen2) probe pod is shown on next page.