Rev. 9-v3_7_en
Install jumpers on
depending on selected operating mode
Install detector cover on its
place (until the click)
If during alarm system testing in the initial operating period
2 weeks) you receive false “Alarm” notifications due to
specific characteristics of a protected room, remove jumper
To provide for reliable operation of the alarm system it is
recommended to
test and maintain
the detector
at least
once a month.
Testing should be carried out as follows:
Perform moving through detection zone;
Make sure an
“Alarm” notification on the control panel and, if
indication is permitted, on the detector indicator (lights once for
4 s for each movement) is appeared.
Maintenance should be performed as follows:
- inspect integrity of the detector body, reliability of contact
connections and mounting, clean the detector from any dirt ac-
9 Labeling
On the label attached to the case are indicated:
- abbreviated marking of the detector;
- firmware version;
- month and year (last two digits) of manufacture;
- conformity mark (if certificate is available);
- barcode, duplicating text information.
10 EC Conformity Declarations
This product is in conformity with the provisions of:
EMC 89/336/EEC
EN 61000-6-3:2005 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 6-3:
Generic standards - Emission standard for residential, commercial and
light-industrial environments
EN 50130-4/1995 + A1:1998 + A2:2003 + Corrig. 2003 Alarm systems
- Part 4: Electromagnetic compatibility - Product family standard: Im-
munity requirements for components of fire, intruder and social alarm
EN 60950-1: 2001+A11:2004+Corrig.2004 Safety of information tech-
nology equipment
11 Recycling
The detector does not pose any life or health risk to individuals
or to the environment. Once its service life is complete, the
detector may be utilized with no special environment
protection measures
12 Manufacturer Warranties
12.1 Quality Management System meets provisions of ISO
12.2 The manufacturer guarantees the compliance of the de-
tector with technical requirements provided the transportation,
storage, mounting and operating rules and requirements are
observed by user.
12.3 The storage warranty time is 5 years and 6 months from
the date of manufacturing.
12.4 The operation warranty time is 5 years from the date of
operation start-up but no longer than 5 years 6 months from
the date of manufacturing.
12.5 The manufacturer shall repair or replace a faulty detector
during the warranty period.
12.6 The warranty becomes void if:
the user does not follow guidelines of the operating
the detector is mechanically damaged;
the detector is repaired by a party other than the
12.7 The warranty covers the detector only. All equipment
manufactured by other parties and used with the detector is
covered by its respective warranty.
The manufacturer bear no responsibility for death, injury,
damage of property or any other kinds of accidental or
premeditated damages, based on user’s statement that
device failed to implement its function.
Controlex GmbH
Warranty service and
technical support:
Philosophenweg 31-33
47051 Duisburg, Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 203 / 393 91 188
Fax: +49 (0) 203 / 393 91 189
GSM: +49 (0) 178 / 218 48 22
Prospekt Pobedy str. 19
420138 Kazan, Russia
Phone: +7 (843) 261-55-75
Fax: +7 (843) 261-58-08
Made in Russia
Alarm memory” is
Alarm memory” is
Indication is OFF
Indication is ON