Figure 16
Returning Upright
Figure 16:
Push on the Cane Shaped Handles to
gradually walk yourself upright, rotating the Lap Pad and
straightening your legs until standing at the start position .
Carefully disengage your thighs from between the Leg
Rollers and Lap Pad . Ensure you have your balance before
completing your dismount .
The following are a few stretches and exercises you can perform on the DEX II . The following is only a guide -
do not advance past your comfort level . If an exercise causes pain, immediately discontinue and eliminate it
from your routine .
Traction Stretch
Figure 17:
While inverted, push against the
Traction Handles located on the sides of the Lap
Pad to attain a deeper decompressive stretch .
Release and repeat .
Back Extensions
Figure 18:
Hang fully inverted with hands crossed
on your chest or folded behind your head . Tighten
your glutes and back, and lift your torso up slowly
into extension . Make sure to keep abdominal
muscles engaged to support the spine while
extended .
DO NOT use body momentum for
the extension or extend past parallel with the floor .
Slowly return to the inverted position and repeat .
Figure 17
Figure 18