At what angle should you invert?
Start at a modest angle (20°-30° beyond horizontal) for the first few weeks or until you become comfortable
with the operation of the equipment. Once you are able to fully relax, advance to 45°-60° for a greater
stretch. According to medical study, what we call the “magic angle” of 60° results in a traction load of
about 60% of your body weight, which is what is needed for your body to fully decompress.
Do you need to fully invert (rotate to 90°)?
No! You should only do what feels comfortable to you. While full inversion is not required to fully decompress,
nearly half of all Teeter users do fully invert, enjoying the added freedom for stretches and exercises offered
at this angle.
How long and how often should you invert?
Begin with 1-2 minutes per session and advance only as you feel comfortable. Keep in mind that frequency
(inverting more often) is more important than duration (inverting for longer periods of time). We recommend
routinely inverting with the Teeter several times a day. Over time, work up to 3-5 minutes so that your muscles are able to relax and
release. Listen and respond to your body. Remember that inversion is about relaxation and enjoyment!
What should you do while inverted?
Many people prefer to simply kick back and relax. Others incorporate movement and stretching, which can help maximize the benefits
for your joints and ligaments. Watch the Instructional DVD for more inverted stretching and exercise tips.
Intermittent Traction (alternating inversion with rest periods) or oscillation (rhythmic rocking) are especially helpful for people who are
just getting used to the feeling of inversion, and can help to stimulate circulation and fluid movement into the discs
in the spine.
Stretch and twist while partially or fully inverted, or use the A-Frame, Traction or Grip-and-Stretch Handles to
add decompression.
Fully inverted crunches, full sit-ups, and squats strengthen the core and legs without adding uncomfortable loads to the spine.
How long before you feel the benefits?
Given time, your body has an amazing ability to heal itself. But like starting a new exercise program, it can take some time to see the
results. Stick with it, invert often and be patient. Work on getting your body to relax and release – that is how you will experience the
most benefits. Some people feel the benefits immediately and some may need 2-3 weeks before their bodies begin to adapt.
Why is it important to find your ideal balance settings?
Your ideal balance point will give you total control over the rotation of the inversion table by shifting the weight/position of your arms.
Struggling to invert or return upright will counteract the benefits of using the inversion table, so it’s important to find your ideal setting
and ensure a relaxing, enjoyable experience! Your ideal balance settings are determined by your body type and weight distribution -
this is why your main shaft setting may differ from your actual height.
What should you do if you experience ankle discomfort?
Proper Footwear:
Wear socks with lace-up shoes – the material will provide added cushion and support for the ankles.
Cup Position:
Rotate the top of the Heel Cups toward your ankles. As you invert, they will rotate to support the back of your heels.
Ankle Comfort Dial:
Adjust for minimal space between the foot and platform. The less your body “shifts” when inverted, the better.
Proper Fit:
Secure the Ankle Lock System for a snug fit, but not super tight – this will restrict blood flow and cause discomfort.
Change It Up:
Try oscillation or intermittent traction. It may take some time to get comfortable, but you’ll soon adapt to inversion.
Other helpful tips for beginners:
Pre-Set the Angle:
Set your Angle Tether to a modest angle - you can then focus on relaxing and adjusting to inversion.
Enlist a Spotter:
Ask a friend to stand near the inversion table until you are comfortable with controlling its rotation.
Close your eyes and take deep breaths. Concentrate on relaxing your muscles to experience
the most benefits.
Listen to Your Body:
Inversion is not a “no pain, no gain” activity. If you feel you’ve had enough, return
upright to rest.
Prevent Dizziness/Nausea:
When returning upright, be sure to rest at just past horizontal (0
) for 15-30
seconds or more.
Make Changes Gradually:
Increase your angle and/or duration of inversion in small increments
Do It Often!
Inverting on a regular basis is how you will experience the most benefits.
Get the most out of your Teeter Hang Ups
Inversion Table
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