Copyright © TECPEL Company. All rights reserved.
The TECPEL's products are under the protec=on of the patent rights, including ones which have
already obtained the patent rights and those which are applying for. The informa=on in this
manual will replace all that in the materials published originally.
The informa=on in this manual was correct at the =me of prin=ng. However, TECPEL will con=nue
to improve products and reserves the rights to change specifica=on at any =me without no=ce.
General Warranty
We warrant that the product will be free from defects in materials and workmanship
for a period of 2 years (1 year for accessories) from the date of purchase of the
product by the original purchaser from our company. This warranty only applies to
the original purchaser and is not transferable to a third party.
If the product proves defec=ve during the warranty period, we will either repair the
defec=ve product without charge for parts and labour, or will provide a replacement
in exchange for the defec=ve product. Parts, modules and replacement products
used by our company for warranty work may be new or recondi=oned like new. All
replaced parts, modules and products become the property of our company.
In order to obtain service under this warranty, the customer must no=fy our
company of the defect before the expira=on of the warranty period. Customer shall
be responsible for packaging and shipping the defec=ve product to the designated
service centre, a copy of the customers proof of purchase is also required.
This warranty shall not apply to any defect, failure or damage caused by improper
use or improper or inadequate maintenance and care. We shall not be obligated to
furnish service under this warranty a) to repair damage resul=ng from aMempts by
personnel other than our company representa=ves to install, repair or service the
product; b) to repair damage resul=ng from improper use or connec=on to
incompa=ble equipment; c) to repair any damage or malfunc=on caused by the use
of not our supplies; or d) to service a product that has been modified or integrated
with other products when the effect of such modifica=on or integra=on increases the
=me or difficulty of servicing the product.
Please contact the nearest Sales and Service Offices for services.
Excep8ng the a;er-sales services provided in this summary or the applicable warranty
statements, we will not offer any guarantee for maintenance definitely declared or hinted,
including but not limited to the implied guarantee for marketability and special-purpose
acceptability. We should not take any responsibili8es for any indirect, special or consequent