11. Posizionare le mensole della staffa in posizione orizzontale e abbassare la macchina fino a farla appoggiare
sulla staffa; (vedi foto 7) procedendo poi con il fissaggio della motocondensante mediante gli antivibranti con
viti in dotazione. ATTENZIONE! Prima di staccare il paranco dall’unità esterna assicurarsi che la stessa sia
fissata correttamente alla staffa mediante le viti in dotazione.
12. Per lo smontaggio del sollevatore eseguire le operazioni in senso inverso.
Before fixing the bracket to the wall, insert the 2 threaded small plates into the recess of the bar on the wall level with
slots “x” and “y” (see fig.1)
Now insert part “D” into part “A” vertically (photograph 5). Now put part “A” onto the bracket’s bar moving from high
to low (photograph 2) inserting the 2 coupling teeth into the two appropriate holes you will see above the slots. At this
point part “A” is only attached to the bracket (photograph 3).
To secure part “A” to the bracket, use the 2 black knobs supplied, tightening them onto the threaded small plates that
you must first position behind the bar on the wall. (see fig.4)
Now position part “B” into part “D” horizontally. Remember also to always to insert the dedicated safety pins to keep
parts “A”, “B” and “D” safely coupled.
Adjust the hoist’s levelling with the 4 adjustment knobs at the ends of part “A”, so that all 4 press lightly against the
masonry. Check the system is correct and firm before attempting lifting. Before turning on the machine, make sure it
is perfectly stable and secured.
Power the motor from a 220 volt socket.
Position the bar (part “C”) above the condenser unit, (see fig. 6), secure the machine to the bar bar using the 2 straps
(supplied). (on how to secure the straps, see the enclosed instructions). ATTENTION! The straps must pass inside the
machine’s feet to stop them from sliding outwards.
To perform a first trial lift, use the control pushbutton. To lift the load, on the pushbutton panel, press down
the lifting switch (and keep it pressed); to lower the load, click the lowering switch of the pushbutton panel
and keep it pressed; the hoist stops, releasing the push-buttons or, automatically, when it reaches maximum-lift height.
Lift the outdoor unit a few centimetres. Now check that the machine is perfectly stable; if the machine is not level,
slide the eyelet-hook along the slot of part “C” until it is perfectly level. Check that, during lifting, the metal cable winds
around the full length of the drum. ATTENTION! Stand clear of suspended loads.
Lift up the machine until the base of the unit external meets or is higher than the position for shelves-securing.
10. Position the shelves of the bracket horizontally and lower the machine to make it rest on the bracket; (see photograph
7) now fasten the condenser unit with the screws supplied. ATTENTION! Before separating the hoist from the outdoor
unit, make sure that the unit is fixed correctly to the bracket with the screws supplied.
11. To disassemble the lift, perform the operations in reverse order.
Posizionamento piastrine filettate all’interno della barra
reggi mensola in corrispondenza delle asole “x” e “y”.
/ Positioning the threaded small plates within the shelf-
support bar level with slots “x” and “y”.
Posizionamento particolare “A” sulla barra reggi mensola.
/ Positioning part “A” on the shelf-support bar.