sician what type of thermometer you are using and in which part of the body the
temperature reading was taken.
5. If the child’s fidgeting makes it difficult to take a correct reading, first become
familiar with the device and, anyway, turn the aiming lights on before bringing the
thermometer close to the forehead.
6. When taking your own temperature, use a mirror, or the black screen of a smartphone,
or, if you have a child over six years of age, you can teach him how to use the device.
7. Since it never comes into contact with the body, VisioFocus LIGHT does not
require any disposable protection covers.
8. ATTENTION: any serious incident that occurs in relation to the device should be
reported to the manufacturer (
) and the competent authority of your
VisioFocus LIGHT detects the infrared radiation coming from the human body.
The forehead is an ideal site for taking a temperature reading, as it is crossed by the
temporal artery and in direct contact with the brain. The head is also the first part of
the body to change its temperature as a fever rises and falls.
With each temperature measurement, your VisioFocus LIGHT takes a series of rea-
dings a tenth of a second. Its sophisticated microprocessor then amplifies and pro-
cesses this information along with the room temperature and shows the correct body
temperature through the projection.
Please note that that
body temperature varies among individuals: moreo-
ver, individual temperature varies according to the measurement’s site and
throughout the day, also in response to physical or mental effort
(for example
a baby’s crying). Moreover, the body temperature can be affected by the outside tem-
perature and, depending on the type of reading taken, other factors may also come
into play.
Due to heat dispersion from uncovered parts of the body, the actual temperature
at the forehead is generally lower than that in covered zones. Therefore, when the
button is pressed, the VisioFocus LIGHT software automatically applies
a correction factor and thus the resulting value is comparable to that given by other
more usual temperature reading sites commonly used in the countries where the unit
is sold - axillary, oral or rectal reading, or internal temperature reading -, according to
the customer’s choice. Nevertheless, the reference value can be changed. An “oral”
reading is generally 0,2°C (0.4°F) higher than an “axillary” reading while a “rectal” or
“internal” reading is 0,8°C (1.4°F) higher (see par. #7).
Remember, the measurement of the body temperature should be taken always at the
centre of the forehead (par. #4.1) or at the eyelid (par. #4.2),
no matter what the cur-
rent setting is
: in fact, the axillary, oral or rectal/internal settings provide a forehead
temperature value that is a valid approximation of the axillary, oral or rectal/internal
temperature respectively (see par. 7).
The VisioFocus LIGHT temperature reading taken on the forehead of a healthy per-