Page 12 • MN01005 ║ Issue/Rev. 0.6 (12/18)
Disassembly of Inner Mechanism
The inner mechanism removal and disassembly procedure is essentially the same for all meters,
unless otherwise noted:
1. Take out the bolts that fasten the body to the housing, Figure 14.
- 2", 3", and 4" (pipe size) meters use two bolts.
- 6", 8", and 10" meters use four bolts, two on either side of nozzle port.
2. Using the lifting lugs, remove the inner mechanism from the housing, Figure 15.
Due to sealant, it may be necessary to break apart the body and housing if they cling together.
JA10 Meters Only:
Do not attempt to remove the inner mechanism cover before taking off the
adjusting screw cap and rotor shaft nut and shaft collar. Figure 16. Failure to remove the upper
shaft nut will result in breakage of the meter cover or base.
To remove inner mechanism cover, take out all of the cover screws. Place cover screws into the
(2 or 3) tapped holes as shown. Using the screws as jacks, remove the cover, Figure 17.
2-Bladed Double Case PD Meters Service Manual
Figure 14 –
Removing Body Bolts
Figure 15 –
Removing Inner Mechanism
Figure 16