7. Installation Check Sheet
The strength of the installation location is sufficient
to support the A/C weight.
The indoor and outdoor units are installed level and
The power and voltage are as specified.
Inter-unit cables are securely fastened to the termi-
nal board.
Inter-unit cables are securely fixed.
The power cord and inter-unit cables are not con-
nected anywhere along their paths.
The ground wire is securely connected.
An air purge of the refrigerant circuit has been con-
A leak test of the tubing connections has been per-
Thermal insulation has been applied to the tubing
Drain connections are secure and water drains
Putty has been used to close the hole in the wall.
All service valves are fully open.
Remote controller signals are being positively
R.D. 28 Reyrieux BP 131 - 01601 Trévoux CEDEX France
Tél. - Fax
R.C.S. Bourg-en-Bresse B 759 200 728
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