IV.g) GSM Module
Control of this type is possible after purchasing and connecting an additional ST-65 control module
(which is not added to the controller as a standard).
The GSM module is an optional device designed to work in tandem with the collector's controller,
enabling remote control over the collector operation with the use of a mobile phone. The user is notified
with a text message about each alarm of the solar installation's controller and they receive a return
message with information on the current temperature of all sensors by sending an appropriate text
message at any time.
The ST-65 module may also operate independently of the collector. It has two inputs with
temperature sensors, one contact input to be used in any configuration (detecting closing/opening of
contacts) and one controlled output (e.g. possibility to connect an additional contactor to control any
electrical circuit).
When any temperature sensor reaches the set maximum or minimum temperature, the module
automatically sends a text message with such information. It is similar in the case of a closing or
opening of the contact input which may be used e.g. for the simple protection of property.
IV.h) Statistics
The parameters in this submenu allow the user to monitor the current conditions of the controller's
IV.h.1) Gain
This parameter allows the user to monitor the current values of gained energy in certain sections of
time: daily, weekly, monthly, annual and temporary.
Statistical data displayed in the controller is approximate – it is used only to determine the approximate
values of gained energy.
IV.h.2) Collector Overheat
After the user enters this submenu, the controller's display will show the list of the collector's overheats
(too high temperature of the collector's sensor). The user may see:
The date when the overheating occurred.
The hour.
The duration.
The reading from the collector's sensor.
IV.h.3) Power Supply Failures
After the user enters this submenu, the controller's display will show the list of power supply failures
registered by the controller. The user may see:
Date of occurrence.
Hour of occurrence.
Duration of occurrence.
IV.i) Backlight
This parameter regulates the display's brightness. This change takes place after a dozen or so seconds
of idleness.
IV.j) Display Contrast
This parameter regulates the display's contrast.
IV.k) Language
The user may select the controller's language version.
IV.l) Information
When the user selects this option, a screen with the controller's manufacturer logo and the current