Temperature was introduced. This parameter determines the minimum safe temperature when the
glycol liquid does not freeze (temperature measured on the collector). In the case of a significant drop
in the collector's temperature (to the value of this parameter), the pump is activated and operates
continuously until the collector is heated to a safe temperature. The settings range of this coefficient is
within -50: +10°C.
V.c.4) Alarm Hysteresis
Using this function, the user declares the value of the collector's alarm hysteresis. If the tank reaches
the alarm temperature (Overheat Temperature) and the pump is activated, it will deactivate again when
the collector's temperature drops below the maximum temperature by the value of this hysteresis.
V.c.5) Defrosting Time
Using this function, the user determines for how long the pump is activated after the activation of the
function Collector Defrosting.
V.c.6) Collector Delta
Option active only in the case of setting the installation scheme number: 4.
Only one heating circulation is always active in this system. The switching valve is to switch the
circulation to the collector that currently has temperature higher at least by the value of collector delta
(this is the difference in temperatures of both Collectors).
Pump's Revolutions, Adjusted or Constant
Using this function, the user defines the mode of the pump's operation. The use may select constant
revolutions when the pump operates at all times with full power (always when its operation is active)
or adjusted revolutions. In the case of adjusted revolutions, the user should adjust several additional
parameters (see below).
Collector's Maximum Temperature
Using this setting, the user declares the value of the collector's maximum alarm temperature when the
pump may be damaged. This temperature should be adjusted according to the collector's technical
data. Due to phenomenon of glycol "gelation" at high temperatures and the risk of damaging the Solar
Pump, the pump will be deactivated after reaching the maximum alarm temperature (the regulator
proceeds to the Collector Overheat mode).
Solar Pump Deactivation Delta
This function determines the difference between the collector temperature and the tank temperature
when the pump is deactivated (so as to avoid cooling down the tank).
Solar Pump Activation Delta
This function determines the difference between the Collector Temperature and the Tank Temperature
when the pump begins to operate (this is the pump activation threshold value).
Gear Coefficient
This parameter is active only if the pump's revolutions are set as adjusted. When the conditions for the
pump's activation are met, it is initially activated at minimum speed (Solar Pump's Operating Minimum).
Then, the pump increases its revolutions according to the setting of this coefficient, which determines
at how many °C of difference between the collector temperature and the tank temperature the pump
increases its operation revolutions by 10%. The gear coefficient applies only to the pump's operating
revolutions, namely the value of revolutions within the limits of the Solar Pump's operating minimum
(0% for the gear coefficient) as well as the solar pump operating maximum (100% for the gear
coefficient). The greater the difference in temperatures between the collector and the tank, the greater
the number of revolutions conducted by the pump.
If the gear coefficient value is 3, a change in the difference in temperatures between the collector and
the tank by each 3 degrees will lead to a change in the value of the pump's revolutions by 10%.