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3.3 Common alarm code list and troubleshooting
E1 Temperature probe B1 (Indoor temperature) alarm
If alarm is for unit 1, it will switch to unit 2. The units will not stop running.
If the alarm is for 1/2 unit, then unit will shutdown.
Check if the B1 sensor is damaged, or cable is broken.
E2 Temperature probe B1 (Outdoor temperature) alarm
If only alarm for unit1 , the B2 sensor of unit 2 can keep working, if alarm
for unit 2, units does not stop running. If the alarm for 1/2 unit, the
cooling function will shutdown.
Check if the B2 sensor is damaged, or cable is broken.
Lc 2 unit network fault alarm
Each Units will be operated independently.
Check the unit address if has been correct set as 1 and 2 , check if the
network cable is broken or disconnection.
Lt Low ambient temperature alarm, no alarm output