Tech Novitas FZC: P.O. BOX No.: 8073, SAIF Zone, U.A.E. Phone: + 971 6 5529892 Fax:. + 971 6 5529897
Tech Novitas Corp. LLC ,Wyoming, U.S.A, Tech Novitas ( Far East) Ltd, Hong Kong.
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3.1.1 On – off unit
Keep clicking on the “UP” keys for 5 sec. Change AC running status
from on to off, or vice versa.
3.1.2 Temperature set point
Keep clicking on the ”Return” +”Selection” keys for 5 sec. Input
password, then enter parameters edit interface -S-P-.
Parameters set menu –r-
option r01
3.1.3 Alarm process
The alarm indicator will light when there is an alarm. Checking the alarm
code and process.
3.1.4 Alarm Records
Detailed information of the latest 25 alarms can be obtained. Keep
clicking on the PRG+SEL keys for 5 sec
Input password 44, then
chose alarm records interface. The alarm code, the year, month, date,
hour, minute and information of the alarm are available. The queried
results are ranked in time, and the latest alarm will rank at the top.
3.1.5 Permission Settings
Menu L-P
22 for common user
can set user parameters for
permission of the common user.
44 for advanced user
can set user parameters for