8 - Packaging, Transport, Storage and Disposal
Packaging Labels
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Tecan Vacuum Separator (Te-VacS™) Operating Manual, 391236, en, V4.0
8 Packaging, Transport, Storage and Disposal
This chapter includes regulatory information about recycling and labels on
packaging that needs to be followed.
Prevent damage by unqualified and unauthorized personnel!
Packing, unpacking, transport and storage may only be performed by Tecan per-
sonnel or personnel authorized by Tecan!
8.1 Packaging Labels
Correct and complete marking of packaging helps to prevent incorrect handling,
accidents, incorrect delivery, loss of weight and damage during storage.
The packaging material can be recycled. Do not
dispose of as domestic waste.
Information on the material used for this pack-
aging is provided beneath the symbol.
This side up
Ensure that the package is transported and
stored with the top side, indicated by the ar-
rows, uppermost. Do not topple over.
Keep dry
Ensure that the package does not get wet dur-
ing transport and storage.
Handle the package with care. There are fragile
goods inside.
Keep away from
Ensure that the package will not be exposed to
heat during transport and storage. Protect
against strong sunlight.
Do not stack
Do not stack packages. The package is not de-
signed to carry extra weight.
Table 8:
Packaging symbols