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MA-1650-4 SERIES
Repeat for another Address No.
This operation is used to set the ECR’s basic features and selective functions to meet the requirements of the
market and your user.
After Financial Daily Reset
For User System Options:
Mode Lock: SET
11 [X]
(Address No. 1 to No. 10)
For Dealer System Options:
Mode Lock: SET
18 [X]
(Address No. 1 to No. 29)
For Dealer System Options:
Mode Lock: BLIND
18 [X]
(Address No. 1 to No. 47)
| Address No. | [ST]
| Bit Nos for “SET” | [#]
Enter a maximum of eight-digit number composed of Bit Nos whose status must be selected to the “SET” status
in the Address.
To set Bit No. 2 only ............................... Enter 2.
To set Bits No. 2 and No. 3 .................... Enter 23.
To set all the Bit Nos .............................. Enter 12345678
To reset all the Bit Nos ........................... Enter 0.
1. Any bit No. with the “--vacant--” item will be disregarded even if it is set. (However, if even set,
it will not result in an error.)
2. When a RAM Clear is completed, the status of each Bit No. is automatically set to the side marked
with an asterisk in the STANDARD STATUS column of each SYSTEM OPTION TABLE shown
on the following pages. Therefore, only the Bit status changes of the required Addresses may
be entered according to your customer’s requirements.
To set Address No. 1 with the following requirements:
(Refer to the Address No. 1 table on the next page.)
Bit No. 1:
Time NON-PRINT (SET status)
Bit No. 4:
Taxable Total NON-PRINT (SET status)
Other bits will be selected to “RESET” status.
Mode Lock to SET, enter 11, depress [X].
Enter 1 (Address No.), depress [ST].
Enter 14 (Bit Nos for SET), depress [#].
Depress [AT/TL] to end.
11-14-1994 MON #0
#01 14