Talk Around:
Repeater operation is based on different frequencies for rx and tx. Acitvate
for changing the tx frequency according to the rx frequency. The communi-
cation through the repeater is disabled and you are able to communicate with radios
in your proximate area. This feature is only useful for COM radios that are setup for
repeater operation.
Priv Ch Scan:
Priority Channel Scan
adds the priority channel in between each channel of the channel
scan list. If, for example, the priority channel is defined as channel 4 and the scan list
contains the channels
1 - 2 - 4 - 5 - 7 - 8,
the priority channel scan will search the
channel order
4 -
- 4 -
- 4 -
- 4 -
- 4 -
The priority channel is set via software.
This function concerns the COM version only. If a channel has different frequencies for
tx and rx, the rx and rx frequencies will be reversed, i.e. switched once the function is
activated. To return to the original setup, the reverse function needs to be deactivated.
Area Switch:
The 32 available channels are divided into two channel groups,
Area 1
(channel 1-16)
Area 2
(channel 17-32).It is adviseable to activate the voice annunciation for this
feature to hear the announcement of the actual channel number.
One Key 1-5:
The function One Key 1-5 allows to transmit programmed calling codes. Five calls can
be programmed. They need to be assigned to the according multi-function keys
These settings are available for each
One Key
Call Mode
: analog/digital; please note: on analog channels only analog calls can be made
Call List
: in analog call mode, an analog DTMF call can be assigned
in digital call mode, a programmed dPMR contact can be selected
Call Type
: for the analog mode, there are three different call types available.
: for transmitting the DTMF code assigned in the Call List
: for transmitting the DTMF
: for transmitting the DTMF
Note: to kill (deactivate tx or/and rx at another radio) or reactivate rx/tx, the
codes have to match.
The multi-function keys SK1/SK2 and TK1can be programmed with two functions,
triggered by pressing the key shortly or long. Please note that digital calls can only
be assigned to the long-press-status of the keys.
Noise ch tmp remove:
This function is only available during active scan. If scanning stops on an undesired
channel, it can be temporarily removed from the scan list, as long as scanning is acti-
vated. It is possible to remove multiple channels temporarily from the scan list.
Once the scan function is stopped, the scan list is completely restored.
The VOX function switches automatically into transmission mode once the signal has
a certain strength (set via
, level 0-9, level 9 is the most sensitive level).
Once the signal ends, the radio remains in transmission mode for a certain time (set
). The parameters
are set via software.
H/L Power:
Select between the tx-powers
The PMR version has a tx-power
of 500 mW, the selection
is in the range of
300 mW.
The tx powers of the COM version can be programmed via software according to the
licence to be obtained at the governmental agency.
Power Detect:
With activated voice annunciation, the charging level of the battery pack is announced:
Battery Low / Middle / High.
Work Alone:
In digital mode, the
Work Alone
function transmits an alarm tone if the radio does not trans-
mit during a certain time. A pre-alert tone, which informs the user that the alarm will start
soon, can be programmed. Start/stop the function by pressing the key.
For the digital mode, 16 different encryptions can be programmed via software. They
can be assigned individually to each channel.
Activate/deactivate encryption by pressing the key. Communication between radios
is only possible if the same encryption code is used.
EMI - Alarm Function:
Various settings for the alarm tone function can be programmed via software. It can
either sound at the transmitting radio and/or at the receiving radio (local / remote /
local + remote). The alarm time can be set continuous or in a range between 1-255
In digital mode, in addition, an automatic toggle between rx and tx periods with the
wanted number of cycles can be programmed.
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