The following settings concern the general operation of the radio. They are independent
of the channel settings.
Time-out-timer (TOT) with pre-alert
For the versions PMR and FreeNet, the TOT time has to activated, a max. of 180s
is permitted. By default, the TOT time is set to 180 seconds.
For the commercial radio versions UHF- and VHF-COM, the TOT function can be
deactivated or set in a range between 30-600 seconds.
A pre-alert is available and can be set up to 10s before expiration of the TOT time.
Voice Annunciation (english/off)
With activated voice annunciation, most of the settings, e.g. on/off, channel selec-
tion, tx-power switch, etc. are announced in english.
Power On Tone
There are 5 different power-on tones available. This feature can be deactivated.
The squelch can be set in a range between 0-9. The lower the value, the lower the
threshold for the required signal strength to open the squelch.
(0=squelch deactivated; 9=lowest sensitivity, i.e. the signal has to be very strong to
open the squelch)
LED Hidden Display
The TeCom-HD has a hidden display located on the front of the radio below the
speaker. There are different settings for the active status.
: the display is deactivated during transmission and active during
standby and during signal reception.
: the display is always activated (with this setting the power consump-
tion is very high, the battery needs to be recharged more frequently)
: after a channel switch or the end of a transmission or reception
period, the display is still active for the selected time period (in
Warning Tone
For some setting changes (see multifunction key assignment), a warn tone is avai-
lable. By default, it is activated but can be deactivated by software.
To access the VOX function, one of the function keys has to be assigned to VOX.
The sensitivity levels 1-10 of the VOX function can be indiviually adjusted by soft-
Channel Scan
The settings for the scan function include the dwell time (for the TO mode), the delay
time (after end of signal), the mode selection TO (time operated)/CO (signal opera-
ted)/SE (end of scan after a signal has been detected), the alarm tones for the be-
ginning and the end of scanning, as well as the LED light for the active state.
Battery Consumtion
For best usage of the available battery capacity, the TeCom-HD offers the features
battery saving and APO (automatic power off).
The low battery level can be announced by a warn tone, a voice annunciation and/or
a LED signal.
Multifunction Key Assignment
2 functions can be assigned to each function key. These are triggered by pressing
the key shortly or long. How long a key has to be pressed to trigger the second
function, can be set via software in a range of 0-7.5 seconds.
For some functions the voice annunciation is available (scan, VOX, tx-power switch,
alarm), for others a single tone announces the active state and a double-tone the
inactive state (fm radio, monitor). There are also functions that do not require any
audio or visual announcement, e.g. squelch off/momentary.
FM Radio
For the fm radio operation, assign it to a long-state key. Holding the key, will
start/stop the fm radio function.
To scan the next available fm radio frequency, press the key shortly. The scan
function stops automatically once a channel has been detected.
Alarm Function
An individual setup of the alarm function is possible with the many settings of the
alarm function. E.g. it is possible to define an alarm channel, which is automatically
set once the alarm function is activated. Further it can be decided if the alarm is au-
dible local, i.e. only at the own radio, or remote, i.e. all radios that use the same
It is also possible to set the number of cycles of transmission and reception periods.
Priority Channel 1/2
By pushing the assigned multifunction key (FIR CH/SEC CH), the radio switches to
the programmed priority channel.
An automatic reset to the priority channel 1 (FIR CH) is possible.
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