BCL (Busy Channel Lockout)
Busy Channel Lockout blocks a channel for transmission if a signal is already pre-
sent on the frequency. A warn tone will inform you about it.
The voice operated transmission feature allows to activate transmission without use
of the PTT key. Transmission is automatically started once a signal has reached a
certain volume level. A multifunction key can be assigned, via software, to switch
the VOX function on/off. The symbol VOX will be displayed in active state. There
are some VOX settings that can be programmed with the optional software: the sen-
sitivity level can be selected, the delay time can be set and the VOX levels 1-10
can be adjusted individually.
TX Allow
It is possible to deactivate the transmission mode for each individual channel. This
setting can only be set via software.
The automatic transmission of DTMF-codes by pushing and/or releasing the PTT-
key is possible through the feature PTT-ID. For each event (pushing the PTT key
and releasing the PTT key) a DTMF code can be programmed.
The TeCom-HD offers DTMF as an optional calling signal. Each channel has to be
activated for this feature.
For transmission of a DTMF code, a multifunction key has to be assigned to the
setting DIAL. A programmed DTMF code is then selected for the individual channel.
If DTMF is used, one of the max. 16 programmable DTMF codes has to be assigned.
SP Unmute
This setting determines when the squelch will open, i.e. when the speaker will un-
mute. There are 4 settings available.
: signal regardless of any codes (CTCSS/DCS or DTMF)
: signal with the proper CTCSS/DCS code
Q/D Or Opt
: signal with the proper CTCSS/DCS code OR DTMF code
Q/D And Opt : signal with the proper CTCSS/DCS code AND DTMF code
The following settings and functions can be programmed individually for each channel
with the software T-UP38, available in the versions PMR-FreeNet and COM.
Frequencies - RX and TX
The TeCom-HD has 199 programmable channels. The PMR version is exclusively
programmable with the 16 PMR frequencies (446 MHz). The FreeNet version has
only the 6 Freenet frequencies (149 MHz) available.
The commercial versions UHF-COM and VHF-COM can be programmed in the de-
signated frequency band according to the individual licence. For repeater operation,
tx- and rx-frequencies are programmable independently.
For the rx and tx frequencies, different CTCSS/DCS codes can be assigned. There
are 50 CTCSS and 105 DCS N/I codes available. For the list of codes see page 50.
If a CTCSS code is assigned, the symbol CT appears in the display, for a DCS code
the symbol DCS will be visible.
TX-Power Selection
For the tx-power selection,
are available. With low tx-power, the LED is
red in transmission mode, with high tx-power the LED is purple. The tx-power can be
programmed by software. To switch between the two tx-power selections, one of the
multifunction keys must be assigned to Tx-Power-Selection.
The versions PMR and FreeNet have a restricted maximum tx-power of 500 mW.
With the commercial versions, the tx-power can be adjusted according to the max.
tx-power as assigned in the licence - max. tx-power UHF-COM: 4W /VHF-COM: 5W.
For the PMR and FreeNet versions, only the bandwidth 12.5 kHz (N) is permissible.
For the commercial versions UHF- and VHF-COM, the bandwidths 12.5 kHz (N)
and 25kHz are available. Please check the licence for the assigned bandwidth.
By default, all channels are activated for scanning. The symbol SCAN appears in the
display. The channel scan function gets started or stopped by pressing the according
multifunction key that has been programmed with this function.
If a signal is detected on one of the channels, scanning is paused until the signal ends
(mode CO - carrier operated). A change of the scanning mode is possible by software.
The additional modes are TO (time operated - scanning stops on a busy channel for
a certain time before it continues, regardless if the signal has ended or not) and SE
(search end - scanning stops automatically once a signal has been detected).
There are more parameters available, e.g. dwell time, delay time, beep tones for
start/end and LED behavior. Also, the beginning and the end of the scan proceess
is announced by warn tones and voice annunciation. During channel scanning the
LED blinks. These settings can be altered by programming.
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