1 TX jack
2 ANT jack
3 CAL knob
4 SWR display
5 TX-power display
6 10 W / 100 W display
7 REF-FWD switch
8 antenna
1. Introduction
The SWR-1180-P is a compact multi-function test meter to indica-
te the condition of any CB antenna system and transmitter with an
impedance of 50 Ohm. With the SWR-1180-P, it is possible to
measure the standing wave ratio (SWR), the relative output power
of the transmitter and the relative field strength of radiated power
from the antenna. This test instrument is designed to be used for
base and mobile CB stations.
2. SWR Function
Testing for the SWR or standing wave ratio, provides the operator
of the transceiver a good indication of the condition of his antenna
and antenna lead cable. In order to get the maximum power radia-
ted from the antenna, the coax-cable and the antenna should be
matched to the transmitter. A perfect match is never achieved. The
amount of mismatch can be measured by measuring the amount
of standing waves that exist in the coax of the antenna feed line.
Measuring of the standing waves can be accomplished by sam-
pling the forward FWD power and the reflected REF power and
comparing them and then expressing this difference as a ratio of
reflected to forwarded power. In the table 1 are some examples of
amount power loss for a standing wave ratio.
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