EXcel4 Controller
Page 25
PC Communications set-up
Make a note of the 12-digit UID of each EXcel
unit in the system (this is visible through a
window in the connection label). Once EXgarde is started on the PC, this information is
needed at the time of adding the ACU details into the database. For units connected
via Ethernet, the IP address will also be required. Once the required information has been
entered, you can start (or re-start) EXgarde Communications and the computer will start
communicating with the ACU’s.
Whether you are using serial (RS232 or RS485) or Ethernet (TCP/IP) communications, the
quickest way of commissioning the installation is to run the xsearch application which is
one of the tools available in the EXgarde Toolkit.
This will:
search for installed controllers and report on the status of ones that have been
view the Xport MAC address and allow you to set an IP address for IP-connected
If you install EXgarde Software this EXgarde toolkit will be installed in the default location
of C:/Program Files/TDSi/Extras/EXgarde Toolkit and in this folder is the xsearch folder.
Alternatively this EXgarde Toolkit folder can be found on either the EX series
Documentation CD (provided with every EX series Controller) or on the EXgarde Pro CD;
located under Extras/Software/EXgarde Toolkit.
The xsearch folder contains an xsearch.exe file which can be placed onto your desktop
of the PC that is running the communications for the controllers (ACU’s).
Viewing a unit on Rs485 or Rs232 with xsearch
The purpose of this tool is to prove that the unit is ON LINE
Copy and paste the xsearch.exe utility tool onto the communications PC.
Startup xsearch. (Ensure no other software communications applications are running),
this looks for all Communication Ports including IP communication ports. This searches
and presents on a blue screen a list of all COM Ports.
Figure 14 - XSearch home screen