vieW & Delete
Allows a supervisor to view a list of all IDs currently set up in the terminal. While the list is displaying
there is an option to delete any of the IDs. To delete an ID, use the up and down navigation buttons to
select an ID. When the ID is highlighted, press the OK key and follow the prompts.
Menu Access
Admin Function
ID Setup
View & Delete
iD rePort
Allows a supervisor to print a report of all IDs currently set up in the terminal and their security level.
Menu Access
Admin Function
ID Setup
ID Report
aDministrative funCtions
id SetuP
Allows a user with a supervisor ID to add another supervisor or operator to the terminal. A maximum
of 25 supervisors and 100 operators can be stored in the terminal. IDs and passwords are restricted to a
maximum of 3 digits.
Menu Access
Admin Function
ID Setup
(Select user level for ID entered)
This screen is displayed if the supervisor level is
ChanGe PassWorD
Allows a user to change their password.
Menu Access
Admin Function
ID Setup
Change Password