Service Fon. +49 4194 9881-188 | Fax +49 4194 9881-188 | E-Mail [email protected]
The following functions can be configured at your video indoor station and for the use of further indoor
stations. Please contact your qualified electrician.
Calling indoor stations (internal call)
You can call another indoor station with your in-
door station.
Shortly press the
Function button
. An ack-
nowledgement tone sounds. If the call is ac-
cepted from the other indoor station, a voice
connection is established and the green LED
lights up.
Maximum 1 internal call can be configu-
rieren by an electrician.
Activating the call diversion
You can divert an incoming call to a second in-
door station.
Shortly press the
Function button
. The red LED
blinks. The call diversion is activated.
• The diverting indoor station is not sig-
nalling the diverted call.
• A call cannot be diverted to all TCS in-
door stations.
Deactivating the call diversion
Press the
Function button
again. The red LED
expires. The call diversion is deactivated.
Open the floor door
If the floor call is triggered at the floor door, you
can open the floor door instead of the front door
by pressing the door release button within the
next 30 seconds.
Press the
Door release button
. The floor door
will open up.
Activating the door release automatic
An incoming door call directly effects the door re-
lease, if the door release automatic is activated.
Press the
Function button
. The red LED blinks.
The door release automatic is activated.
Deactivating the door release automatic
Press the
Function button
. The red LED expi-
res. The door release automatic is deactivated.
Parallel call
A second indoor station sounds in case of an in-
coming door, floor or internal call. The ring tone
sounds at both indoor stations.
Switching the light with the door release button
You can switch the light by pressing the blue door
release button, if no voice connection is estab-