2800 LAURA LANE • MIDDLETON, WI 53562 • (800) 288-9383 • FAX (608) 836-9044 • www.tcsbasys.com
The occupant may temporarily change the occupied
heating and cooling set/- 5°F by factory default.
This setpoint change will remain until the end of the cur-
rent occupied period, at which time the program reverts
to the setpoints defined in programming. To change the
range of adjustment allowed, see programming step
The occupant has the ability to put the unit into occupied
mode by pressing the override button on the front. By
factory default, the unit will remain in the occupied mode
for 180 minutes. This value may be changed from 0 to
255 minutes in programming step #23.
The ability to set the clock and schedule is allowed by
factory default. An access code may be required as set
in programming step # 41.
The ability to program control parameters is allowed by
factory default. An access code may be required as set
in programming step # 41.
User’s Guide
Inside the hinged door of the thermostat is the
User's Guide. This guide is designed to
assist the installer in explaining to the end user how to
operate their new thermostat, as well as serve as a
handy future reference for the end user.
We recommend that the installer fill out the appropriate
pages and explain to the user how the thermostat oper-
ates, what settings may be changed, and how the time
clock schedules are used.