6. The term of function
1) Compressor : Absorb and compress the low pressure refrigerant gasified in evaporator and flow into con-
denser. At this time, the low pressure needed is kept in evaporator and the refrigerant gas flows into con-
denser as high pressure condition. The most economical condition of compressor for an operating reason
is when the refrigerant gas absorbed into compressor is in dry-saturated condition. The overly-heated suc-
tion gas may cause the mechanical ability of compressor to be reduced and the cylinder clearance of com-
pressor to be re-expanded, and as a result, the refrigerant may be used without its refrigerating effect.
The types of compressor is Recipro. type, Rotary type, Scroll type, Screw type, etc. and consists of cylin-
der, piston, vane, shaft, bearing, case and accumulator for structure reason.
2) Condenser : The high temperature/high pressure refrigerant gas compressed by compressor is sucked into
condenser and liquified by cooling. The condenser is cooled by the forced-convection of fan.
The calorie emitted from condenser is equal to the sum of the heat absorbed in evaporator and the calorie
used for compressor operating.
3) Evaporator : Absorb the heat from room air by forced-convection.
The liquid refrigerant in evaporator is evaporated by absorbing heat from room air and flowed into compres-
sor as a gasified state. The evaporating temperature of refrigerant is decided by pressure, which is decided
by the wet-bulb temperature of suction air and the wind flow, and the pressure in evaporator is normally
G and the evaporating temperature is 5~8°C.
4) Capillary : Regulate the refrigerant flow into evaporator, lower the pressure of refrigerant, and expand into a liq-
uid of low temperature and low pressure. The type of capillary is generally a thin and long copper tube of
inner diameter and 1~2m long. The resistance of tube causes to turn into a liquid of low pres-
sure and low temperature.
5) Dryer : Any moisture in refrigerating cycle may cause the compressor motor to be damaged or the refrigerant to
be an ice state in the middle of cycle, which blocks the flow of refrigerant. Dryer is installed in a cycle for the
purpose of removing such moisture.
There are two types of dryer ; a liquid line dryer which is connected serially to the condenser outlet and a
suction line dryer which is connected serially to the suction line, with a desiccative in dryer.
The dryer is designed for uni-directional flowing of the refrigerant.
6) Muffler : Since Recipro. type compressor discharges the compressed gas discontinuously, a pulsating sound or
vibration occurs through pipe. Muffler is installed in the discharged part of compressor for the purpose of
absorbing the vibration of the discontinuously-discharged gas.
7) Strainer : Strainer serves to remove foreign substances from refrigerant by a metal net pelt of fine grid or a
glass wool being inserted into metal vessel and refrigerant being passed through between the interval.
The mounted position is between condenser and temperature auto expansion valve.
8) Service valve : SVC valve is used for vacuum working and refrigerant filling. Front seat is called a state which
cap is opened and valve is completely rotated clockwise and refrigerant stops flowing in that condition,
whereas back seat is called a state which valve is rotated completely counter-clockwise and refrigerant
flows. In case of pressure measurements or vacuum work from service valve, the back seat condition is
changed into some front seat condition. Product is released in front seat condition, so the back seat by
brake-in is not needed.
TCL Air Conditioner Service Manual