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3.6 KNX Interface (Optionally)
This board is used to establish a connection between
ambiento.mura and the installation bus KNX. The USB connector
has a galvanic separation from the KNX bus. The circuit is
compatible with KNX medium TP1, the firmware supports
protocol EMI1.
Assignment connectors
USB jack (K1)
Connection of USB plug (B
USB connector (K2)
1: AVCC Supply USB +5V
2: D- Data line USB
3: D+ Data line USB
4: AGND Ground USB
Connector LEDs and learning button (K3)
1: LED learning mode
Connection of external learning LED to ground, multiplier
(2,2 kOhm) equipped onboard, identical function as learning LED on
2: Button for learning mode
Connection of external learning button to ground, no pull up resistor
required, identical function as learning key on board;
Connection of external LED for signalling state of USB
LED steady light: USB supply is present, no communication;
LED flickers: Communication over USB;
LED off: Supply failed over USB, controller is not operating;
4: GND
Ground USB controller
Connector signalling state
1: GND KNX Ground KNX bus
KNX bus (K4)
2: LED KNX Connection of external LED for signalling state of KNX
LED on: Supply over KNX present;
LED off: KNX bus not connected;
Connector KNX bus
Standard connector, grid dimension 2,54 mm
small (K5)
1: - Ground KNX bus
2: + Supply / communication KNX bus
Connector KNX
Connector KNX (Type 5.1, Wago)
bus large (K6)
· 1: - Ground KNX bus
· 2: + Supply / communication KNX bus