TCF Termoventilatori Condizionatori Felsinea Srl
40057 Cadriano di Granarolo Emilia (Bologna), via Giuseppe di Vittorio 5
on the lower manifold to allow for a complete
drainage, and a VALVE must be fitted to the upper
manifold to vent the air from the heat exchanger
(fig. 12)
The normal heat exchange in a heating or cooling water
exchanger occurs in REVERSE CURRENT (fig. 9).
In presence of particularly low external temperatures, in
order to prevent the formation of ice in the heating units, an
EQUICURRENT heat exchange system may be provided (fig.
10). This configuration must be determined at the design
stage and not during installation, since on obvious reduction
in efficiency will result if a heat exchanger sized for reverse
current is used for equicurrent operation.
FIG. 9
FIG. 10
The diagram (fig. 15) shows the ‘standard’ installation of a
water-type heat exchanger.
Before positioning the air-conditioning unit, make sure you
have sufficient room to install the siphon and drainage pipe.
The humidification and cooling exchanger sections of the TCF
units are fitted with a threaded drain pipe projecting laterally
about 80 mm.
To allow for a regular outflow of water, every drain must be
fitted with a correctly sized SIPHON (fig. 12).
FIG. 12