TCE Group S.r.l.
Installation, use and maintenance manual
Any improper use of the device can cause:
Injury or death to the user or to third party persons
Damage to the device and/or to other material or assets belonging to the company where the device is located
Damage to the environment surrounding the device
Inefficient and non-compliant operations with the normal operating status of the device
The personnel involved in the use of the device must:
Have a qualification in the use of electrical/electronic equipment
Read the manual carefully to understand the correct operation of the device
Comply with the safety regulations listed below
Use the correct tools when repairing faults or during simple device maintenance
In case of further signs or notifications applied on the device for safety reasons, they must be:
In a readable and understandable state for all
Do not be damaged
Not to be removed
Do not cover existing writings or signs
Do not be covered by other signs / stickers or colored with paint or color of any kind