Certificate Of Conformity
TC Electronic A/S, Sindalsvej 34, 8240 Risskov, Denmark, hereby declares on own
responsibility that following product:
G•Minor MIDI Foot Controller
- that is covered by this certificate and marked with CE-label conforms with following
EN 60065
Safety requirements for mains
(IEC 60065)
operated electronic and related
apparatus for household and similar
general use
EN 55103-1
Product family standard for audio,
video, audio-visual and entertainment
lighting control apparatus for
professional use. Part 1: Emission.
EN 55103-2
Product family standard for audio,
video, audio-visual and entertainment
lighting control apparatus for
professional use. Part 2: Immunity.
With reference to regulations in following directives:73/23/EEC, 89/336/EEC
Issued in Risskov, March 2001
Anders Fauerskov
Chief Executive Officer