The Panner simply pans the signal between the
left and the right channel. Use this for extreme
stereo perspective effects.
Range: 0.050 to 20 Hz
Defines the speed of the effect.
Range: Ignore, 2 to 1/32T (T= Triplet & D=
When set to any value between 2 and 1/32T,
the Global Tempo is subdivided according to
this setting. When set to “Ignore”, the speed set
using the Speed parameter is used instead.
The Tap Master parameter – located in
the Global menu – specifies whether
the Global tempo or the tempo set by
the Speed parameter in each preset
should be used at preset change.
Range: 0 to 100 %
When you set this parameter to 100 %, the
signal will sweep fully from the left to right. You
will find, however, that for most applications, a
more subtle setting gives better results, as it
blends in more elegantly with the overall sound.
OutLev – Out Level
Range: -100 to 0 dB
This parameter sets the overall output level for
this effect.
a full sine wave, whilst 0 % and 100 % would
yield a crest-to-peak and peak-to crest curve,
Range: 20 Hz to 20 kHz
This parameter attenuates the high frequencies
of the Tremolo effect. Use the high-cut filter to
create a less dominant Tremolo effect without
changing the effect’s Depth.
OutLev – Out Level
Range: -100 to 0 dB
This parameter sets the overall output level for
this effect.