Charge status bar. Gives a rough indication of the charging progress, see below :
LED 3a : 100% full (ready)
LED 3b : 80% full
LED 3c : 50% full
LED 3d : empty
Power on, off, charger only switch. See chapter 4.1 for more explanations.
4.2.1. Error indications
When the so called mode indicator LEDs are blinking red, an error has been detected. Each
mode indicator LED can either blink red individually, or combined along with one or more
other mode indicator LEDs. There are five different error indications, each with their own
blinking pattern :
One flash in a row : Battery related error (too low or too high battery voltage, too
low or too high battery temperature, too high battery ripple
voltage, battery defect)
Two flashes in a row : AC overload error (AC load requires too much power from the
inverter, AC output short circuit)
Three flashes in a row : High temperature error (Powersine Combi shuts down on high
Four flashes in a row : Device error (an error has occurred inside the Powersine
Combi. Please return for service)
Five flashes in a row : Charge program error (only for ‘charger on’ indicator LED).
Charge program selection set to Custom, while custom made
charge program contains an error or time-out.
The Powersine Combi will mostly recover from an error mode automatically when the cause
of the error has been resolved. However, when an error has occurred due to a high battery
ripple voltage or an AC transfer switch overcurrent, the Powersine Combi needs to be
switched off and on again manually (manual restart). The Powersine Combi also needs to be
restarted manually, when too many battery or overload errors have occurred within a short
period of time.
4.3 Programmable Alarm relay
The Powersine Combi is equipped with one or two (depending on model) programmable
potential free alarm relays. Standard, this relay (or relay 1 on PSC2000-3500 models) will be
activated when the unit shuts down and jumps to an error mode. The alarm relay de-
activates again when the error has been resolved and the Powersine Combi is running in
normal operating mode again.