170 Rodeo Drive
Edgewood, NY 11717, USA
Phone 631.293.4068
Toll Free 888.CONSOLE
All specifications and other information contained in this installation guide are based on the latest product in-
formation available at the time of printing. TBC Consoles is dedicated to product improvement and therefore
reserves the right to make changes to the specifications of this and other products.
© TBC Consoles. Not to be reproduced wholly or in part without specific written permission from TBC Consoles.
Thank you for your business. We hope your experience using our product is excellent, and
we can’t wait to see you again soon. We welcome your input on this guide, our products or
services by emailing
TBC Consoles provides a robust warranty on all our products, however, incorrect installation
could void this warranty. Save time by engaging with our expert installation team, contact
All patterns, designs, and specifications are the intellectual property of TBC Consoles and
may not be reproduced without prior written consent.
These assembly instructions are meant as a guide. As we provide custom consoles based
on a modular standard design, it is not possible to cover all possible customizations. In
the event that a customization applies for your project beyond this guide then a detailed
drawing or additional instructions will be provided.