X4 AC Drive User’s Manual
Chapter 7: X4 Parameters
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852 PI Prop Gain
Default: 0
Range: 0-2000
Level 2
The PI Proportional Gain parameter configures the proportional gain that is applied to the PI control.
Note: Value must be greater than 0 for this to be active.
853 PI Int Gain
Default: 0
Range: 0-10000
Level 2
The PI Integral Gain parameter configures the integral gain that is applied to the PI control.
Note: Value must be greater than 0 for this to be active.
854 PI Feed Gain
Default: 1000
Range: 0-2000
Level 2
The PI Feed Gain parameter allows the feedback signal to be scaled. A setting of 1000 indicates 100.0%.
855 PI Error 1
856 PI Error 2
Default: Read-Only
Range: 0.00-100.00%
Level 2
Both the PI Error 1 and PI Error 2 parameters are read-only; they provide feedback on how the PI control is operating.
857 PI High Corr
Default: 100.00%
Range: 0.00-100.00%
Level 2
This parameter sets the high limit of the PI output.
858 PI Low Corr
Default: 0.00%
Range: 0.00-100.00%
Level 2
This parameter sets the low limit of the PI output.
900 SIO Protocol
Default: RTU N81
Range: n/a
Level 2 (SIO)
This parameter defines the protocol and the parity of the SIO port.
The following data values may be assigned to this parameter:
Parameter Value
No parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit
No parity, 8 data bits, 2 stop bits
Even parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit
Odd parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit
901 SIO Baud Rate
Default: 9600
Range: n/a
Level 2 (SIO)
This parameter defines the baud rate of the SIO port.
The following data values may be assigned to this parameter:
Parameter Value
902 Comm Drop #
Default: 1
Range: 1-247
Level 2 (SIO)
This parameter defines the network drop number for both SIO and IRDA communications.
903 SIO Timer
Default: 1.0 sec
Range: 0.0-60.0 sec
Level 2 (SIO)
This parameter defines a watchdog timer that will require a valid communication in the specified time period while in
SIO control. If the requirement is not met, a fault occurs.
Table 7-2: Description of X4 Parameters (Page 23 of 26)