X4 AC Drive User’s Manual
Chapter 2: Technical Characteristics
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© 2007 TB Wood’s All Rights Reserved
Electrical Specifications
Note: Unit Rated kVA = rated Voltage x rated Current x 1.732
Control Features Specifications
Input voltage
X4C1Sx models: 115 Vac 1 phase, +/- 10%
X4C2x models: 200-230 Vac, 3 phase, +/- 15%
X4C4x models: 380-460 Vac, 3 phase, +/- 15%
X4C5x models: 575Vac, 3 phase, +/-15%
Line frequency
50 / 60 Hz ±2 Hz
Source kVA (maximum)
10 times the unit rated kVA (see note below)
DC bus voltage for:
Overvoltage trip
Dynamic brake activation
Nominal undervoltage (UV) trip
115 Vac models
406 Vdc
388 Vdc
199 Vdc
230 Vac models
406 Vdc
388 Vdc
199 Vdc
460 Vac models
814 Vdc
776 Vdc
397 Vdc
575 Vac models
1017 Vdc
970 Vdc
497 Vdc
Control system
V/Hz or SVC
Carrier frequency = 1 - 16 kHz, programmable; 8 kHz max. for 125-200 HP
Output voltage
0 to 100% of line voltage, three-phase
Overload capacity
120% of rated normal duty rms current for 60 seconds
150% of rated heavy duty rms current for 60 seconds
Frequency range
0.1 to 400 Hz
Frequency stability
0.1 Hz (digital), 0.1% (analog) over 24 hours +/- 10 °C
Frequency setting
By keypad or by external signal
(Speed Pot 0 to 5 Vdc; 0 to 10 Vdc; 0 to 20 mA, or 4 to 20 mA)
OR by pulse train up to 100 kHz
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Vin1 reference input
0-5/10 Vdc, 0/4-20 mAdc (250
6FS pulse train input, 0-1/10/100 kHz pulse input, inverted function, 0-5-10 bipolar
input, broken wire detection. Span and offset adjustment.
Vin2 reference input
0-5/10 Vdc, 0-5-10 bipolar input, inverted function, broken wire detection, span and
offset adjustment. Programmable for frequency reference or current limit input.
Cin reference input
0/4-20 mAdc (50
load), inverted function, span and offset adjustment.
Programmable for frequency reference or current limit input.
Reference voltage
10 Vdc (10 mAdc maximum)
Digital inputs - 10
Off=0 to 3 Vdc; On=10 to 32 Vdc (pullup logic), selectable between pullup and
pulldown logic
Digital supply voltage
24 Vdc (150 mAdc maximum)
Preset frequencies
3 inputs for seven preset frequencies (selectable)
Digital outputs
2 SPDT relay output - 130 Vac, 1 A/250 Vac, 0.5 A
2 open collector outputs 50 mA per device
Digital pulse train output
Open collector output pulse train proportional to output frequency
Vmet analog output
0 to 10 Vdc (5 mAdc maximum)
Imet analog output
0-20 mAdc output into a 500
load (maximum)
DC holding / injection braking
At start, stop, by frequency with adjustable current level and time or continuous DC
injection by digital input.