- 21 -
Integration of programs from other sources
A touch on the button “ABC“ opens the menu to reach and operate frequency programs generated
outside the F-SCAN MOBILE NT. Up to 460 sets, of up to 30 frequencies each, can be transferred to
the “ABC” memory block using either the software F-SCANT3, or a common terminal program.
As a factory setting the “ABC” function is locked. A release code can be acquired by email from the
factory or from an F-SCAN sales point. Please note that “ABC” lists are single channel programs only.
The frequency programs must be written with a text editor in the following format:
(PROGRAMM 1)10,100,1000,10000,
(PROGRAMM 2)20,30,40,50,60,100,
The program name (maximum of 20 characters – letters of the alphabet only – or so called standard
ASCII) must be set in parenthesis. It is followed by 1 to 30 frequency values, separated by comma.
Every line must end with a “NEW LINE” = carriage-return-line-feed code. The semicolon “;” indicates
the end of the complete set of frequencies.
As soon as the list of frequency programs is generated and transferred to the F-SCAN MOBILE, it can
be accessed on the unlocked menu “ABC”.
A touch on the button opens the menu “ABC“.
The example chosen for this manual shows the
program number, the program name and its first
frequency. The timer is set for 03:00 minutes, the
total time shows 48:00 minutes for a program
total of 7 frequencies.
Fewer properties than in the menu “123“ can be
assigned to individual frequency values here. A
change of the timer will be valid for all
frequencies stored in the memory block of 460
programs. The amplitude of square signals can
be adjusted usin
g th
e AMP-slider.
A touch on name section opens the screen with
10 program lines. A touch on any line opens the
program for use. Missing positions can be
reached with touches on the up and down
arrows of the scroll bar moving always a full
Touch the button
to start a
Touch the button
to initiate a
pause of a running program.
Touch the button
end the program. .
Any program can be copied from the “ABC“ memory block of 460 programs to the “123” memory block
of 100 programs with a touch on the button “SAVE”. The routine requests the input of the position
number to copy to. Once saved in the “123“ routine the program name can be edited and all property
assignments to frequencies offered there are applicable.
The altered program can thus be transferred to other F-SCAN models with the help of the ChipCard.
A touch on the red cross in the upper right corner, closes the “ABC” feature.