©2022 TAXA INC. v.4.2.010122
©2022 TAXA INC. v.4.2.010122
If you notice a rise or fall in your tow coupling, you
will need to redistribute the weight of the load
before getting on the road. If you have trouble
estimating the combined weight of your habitat
plus cargo, take your loaded habitat to a vehicle
scale at a nearby weigh station or truck stop.
Important Note: you need to also refer to your tow
vehicle’s towing capacity and other towing and
load capacity-related definitions and instructions
before getting on the road. Please also consult
your supplying dealer or Taxa Inc. if you have any
questions regarding these terms and/or loading
your habitat.
Example of Poor Weight Distribution
We want your towing experiences and practices to
be safe and enjoyable. Please take your time, and
give special attention to all safety matters prior to
and during the towing of your habitat.
As previously indicated, we recommend that
you practice towing your habitat in, for example,
an empty parking lot before going on your first
camping trip. This initial trial and practice is fun
and will help you get accustomed to and familiar
with your habitat’s systems and operation.
Please also make note of any questions, issues or
problems that arise during your pre-travel towing
practice, and inquire with your dealer or email us
[email protected]. You can also
visit our website (www.taxaoutdoors.com) for
more contact information. Please also refer to the
“Overview of Safety Precautions’’ and “Pre-Travel
Checklist” sections before towing your habitat.
We have equipped your habitat with safety chains.
Make use of them. Safety chains serve to maintain
the connection between your habitat and the
tow vehicle in the event of separation of the ball
and habitat coupling. Be sure to hook the safety
chains to the frame of the tow vehicle (not the
hitch), crossing them under the habitat’s tongue.
Also, remember to inspect the length of the chains
once they are attached to the tow vehicle frame.
A proper chain length will allow turns and prevent
the chains from dragging on the road.
Your habitat is equipped with a breakaway switch.
For every Mantis the breakaway switch is wired to
the Mantis’s internal battery. Breakaway switches
are designed to activate the electric brakes in the
event your habitat disconnects/uncouples from
the tow vehicle. Your habitat battery powers this
braking. Ideally, the safety chains will prevent your
habitat from disconnecting if the coupler comes
off the hitch ball. However, if the safety chains fail,
the breakaway pulls the pin out of the switch which
fires the brakes and serves as a last line of defense
against a runaway habitat. The breakaway switch
cable needs to be secured to the tow vehicle
bumper or frame independently of the habitat
safety chains. The following are guidelines for
attaching the cable:
• The cable should come straight out from
the switch to attach to the tow vehicle.
• The switch and cable should be located
and secured on the same side of the
habitat and tow vehicle.
• Do not loop the cable over the hitch
ball; the cable may bounce off while the
vehicle is moving.
• Before towing, you may test the
breakaway by pulling the pin out of
the switch to confirm activation of the
habitat electric brakes.
You are responsible for maintaining proper tire
pressure in the tires of your habitat and tow
vehicle. Thus, always check your tire pressure
and refer to the “Tires” discussion herein before
You are responsible for inspecting and maintaining
both your habitat and tow vehicle brakes before
towing. Do not tow your habitat unless you have
confirmed your brakes are in good condition and
operating properly. Be sure to have a qualified
technician perform all brake adjustments, service
and maintenance. Please also refer to the “Brakes”
discussion herein before traveling.
Be sure to check all electrical connections to
ensure all lights on the tow vehicle and habitat
are functioning properly before traveling. The
brake lights, hazard, and turn signals should be in
synchronization with the tow vehicle.
The habitat and tow vehicle must be level when
hitched. Risers and drops are available to match
the tow vehicle’s hitch height with the habitat’s.
Dragging may occur if the hitch is too low.
Conversely, if the hitch is too high, the rear of the
habitat is exposed to striking higher points in the
Drive defensively, anticipating stops, braking
early, and never following closely. We recommend
maintaining a length of at least three cars and a
habitat (approximately 65 ft.) between you and
the car in front of you for every 10 mph of speed
you are traveling (for example, at 60mph, you
should maintain approximately 390 ft. of distance
between your vehicle and the vehicle in front of
you). This should give you adequate time to safely
complete a proper avoidance maneuver (i.e. come
to a safe stop, change lanes, etc.) in the event of,
for example, an abrupt stop or emergency.
Longer stopping distances are required when
towing a habitat, so remember to start braking
sooner than you would if driving without your
habitat. Begin slowing down well in advance of
anticipated street/road dips and depressions.
It also takes longer to accelerate when towing
a habitat. Thus, remember to account for both
the slower acceleration rate and the combined
length of your tow vehicle and habitat when
passing another vehicle and then safely returning
to your lane. In sum, always pass, allow others to
pass, and change lanes with care. We also do not
recommend using cruise control or overdrive when
Excessive sway or fishtailing of your habitat can
lead to the rollover of the habitat and tow vehicle,
and thus, serious injury or death. The tendency for
the vehicle to sway increases with speed. Thus,
reduce speed as needed and in inclement or harsh
weather conditions (i.e. high winds, rainstorms,
slippery roads, etc.). The following paragraphs
outline methods of reducing sway or fishtailing, but
are not exhaustive.
Do not jam/slam on the brakes or press on the
accelerator, both of which may make the situation
worse and result in severe injury or death. Instead,
remove your foot from the accelerator and reduce
your speed gradually whenever possible.
Quick steering movements will actually cause
increased sway and loss of control. Keep both
hands on the wheel, and hold the wheel as straight
as possible until stability is regained; and
As soon as practical after regaining control,
pull over and check tire pressures, cargo weight
distribution, and inspect the habitat and tow
vehicle for any signs of failure or defect. If you
suspect a mechanical failure, we recommend that
you not tow until the problem is identified and
remedied. If you choose to travel, do so at reduced
speeds and with heightened caution until the
problem can be identified and remedied.
WARNING: Side to side motion (sway) that
begins as you reach a certain speed will likely
become whipping at higher speeds. As soon as
you notice sway, slow your vehicle by letting
off the accelerator pedal. Then stop to check
the habitat and tow vehicle as soon as it is safe
to do so. Sway can sometimes be temporarily
controlled by pressing the brake controller’s
brake button independent of touching the tow
vehicle’s brake. This tends to pull the habitat
back in line and gives greater control as one
determines the issue at hand.
A. Switch location
B. Cable attached independently to tow
vehicle, with pin secured in switch
Breakaway Switch Installed