4.3 Submenu of the Recorder Menu
From the Recorder menu, you can enter the submenu by pressing the MODE button.
Note that you can only enter the submenu when you are not recording.
In the submenu,
you can select the folder you wish to save your recorded files to, as well as choose the
recording file format.
To select the folder you wish to save your recorded files to, press the
MODE button to enter the “local folder” menu, highlight the folder that
you wish to save your recorded files to and select it by pressing the
MODE button.
To select the recorded file format you wish to use, press the MODE button
to enter the “REC type” menu, highlight the format you want and select it
by pressing the MODE button.
4.4 File Formats available
The Tatung M100 can record sound in four different formats:
Fine REC – 32k bit rate .WAV file
Long REC – 8k bit rate .ACT file
Fine VOR – 32k bit rate .VOR file
Long VOR – 8k bit rate .VOR file
Note that when using the .VOR file format, the player will ONLY record when it detects
sound. Once you start recording, the player will not start until it detects sound. The
recorder will also stop the recording segment automatically when it stops detecting
sound. The recorder will then wait for the user to either save the file, or until it starts
detecting sound again, thus start recording from the spot it left off at.
5. Voice (Playback)
The Voice (Playback) menu is for playing all of your recorded files.
To play a recorded file, first select the folder the file is in by pressing the
MODE button, selecting “Local Folder” then select the folder the recorded
file is stored in. Next, press the play button to start playing the file.