Tata Motors is committed to producing cars using
environmental friendly technology. A number of features have
been incorporated in our passenger cars which are specifically
designed to ensure environmental compatibility throughout
the life cycle of the car. We would like to inform you that your
car meets Euro II norms and is being regularly validated at the
manufacturing stages to keep up with the stringent emission
As a user you too can protect the environment by operating
your car in a proactive manner. A lot depends on your driving
style and the way you maintain your car. Listed below are few
tips that will help you do so.
Avoid frequent and violent acceleration.
Do not carry any unnecessary weight on the vehicle as it
overloads the engine.
Avoid using devices requiring high power consumption
during slow traffic condition.
Monitor the car’s fuel consumption regularly. If it shows
a rising trend get the car immediately attended to at the
Company’s Authorised Service Centre.
Switch off the engine during long stops at traffic jams or
signals. If you need to keep the engine running, avoid
unnecessary revving or stopping and starting.
It is not necessary to rev up the engine before turning it
off as it unnecessarily burns the fuel.
Shift to higher gears as soon as it is possible. Use each
gear upto 2/3
of it’s maximum engine speed. A chart
indicating gear shifting speeds is given in this book.
Ensure that recommended maintenance is carried out
on the car regularly at the Tata Motors Authorised Service
Taking Care of the Environment
Ofrecido por www.electromanuales.com