TS-304UHF RFID User Manual
UHF RFID User Manual
In the above image, it says two tags have been identified successfully.
2.4.2 Write Tag Operation
The area of Write Tag is the same as Read Tag, but you need to provide access password
and information of write data extra.
When you operate successfully, the following screen displays:
How many tags operated successfully, the equal of pieces data will be displayed in
. It is blank in
and this is the difference from
Read Tag
. The user can read the
tag again in the same area to verify if the data was written correctly.
Note: The maximum length of one-time write is 32 Word (64 bytes, 512bits).
2.4.3 Lock Tag Operation
The interface of
Lock Tag Operation
as below:
A password must be provided if you want to Lock Tag.