TASCAM US-2x2/US-4x4
launch the installer software, double-click the
“US-2x2_US-4x4_ InstallerXX.exe” exe file (“XX”
is the number of bits) that is suitable for the OS
being used.
4. When a “Security Warning” or “User Account
Control” screens appear, click the “Run” or “Yes”
5. Next, select the desired language and click the
“OK” button.
6. When the Installshield Wizard screen appears,
click the “Next” button.
7. Read the contents of the License Agreement,
and select “I accept the terms in the license
agreement” if you agree to the terms.
Then, click the “Next” button.
8. Next, click the “Install” button to start installation.
9. The following screen appears when installation
has completed.
Click the “Finish” button.
After installing the driver software, device
driver installation will be completed the first
time the unit is connected to the computer by
USB. At this time, Windows will automatically
search Windows Update, so it might take some
time before the computer recognizes that the
unit is connected. If the computer still does not
recognize the unit after some time, open the
software installer screen from the notification
area at the bottom right of the computer display.
Click “Skip obtaining driver software from
Windows Update.” to stop the search.
Installing the Settings Panel for Mac OS
Install the Settings Panel on the computer before
connecting the unit to it with the USB cable.
Depending on the Gatekeeper setting, a warning
message might appear during installation. For
information about Gatekeeper, see “Note about
Gatekeeper” in “3–Installation” of the Reference
Settings Panel installation procedures
1. Download the latest Settings Panel for the
operating system you are using from the TEAC
Global Site (http://teac-global.com/) and save it
on the computer to be used with the unit.
2. Double-click “US-2x2_US-4x4 Installer.dmg”,
which is the saved disk image file for the driver,
and double-click “US-2x2_US-4x4 Installer.pkg”
inside the folder that opens.
Depending on the computer’s settings, the
downloaded zip file might not have been
uncompressed automatically. In this case,
uncompress the zip file first and then double-
click the disk image file.
3. When the installer starts, click the “Continue”