The splined shaft of the pump must be parallel to the ground. The direction of the pump rotation can be clockwise or
counterclockwise. Pay attention to the following points:
1-Check the pump oil level. Keep it in the designated limits stated. Add oil if the oil level is low. Use 20W-50 engine
oil (Diesel) or its equivalent.
2-Choose a suction filter suitable for the pump characteristics or check whether the liquid suction filtering is
compatible with the pump. The filter must be protected in an appropriate position, so that the pump runs effectively.
Do not run the pump without suction filter.
3-Measure the pressure in the air chamber. You can do this using a standard vehicle's tire pressure measurement
device. The amount of pressure inside the pump air chamber should be 1/10 of the pump working pressure.
(4kg/cm² in pumps; TAR 30,TAR 50,TAR 60 and TAR 80, 2kg/cm² in pumps; TAR 25,TAR 55 AB and TAR 90 AB,
5kg/cm² in pumps; TAR 100, TAR 125 and TAR 150) The low level of this pressure value causes a discontinuou
pump operation.
4-The safety valve is on the pressure line. Its function is to keep the working pressure below 20% of the maximum
allowable pressure value for the pump (max 48 kg/cm² in pumps; TAR 30,TAR 50,TAR 60 and TAR 80, max 2
kg/cm² in pumps; TAR 25,TAR 55AB,TAR 80 AB and TAR 90 AB, max 60 kg/cm² in pumps; TAR 100,TAR 125 and
TAR 150). This valve should not allow any liquid to flow and drop outside. There are two types of safety valve
assembly recommended by TARAL;
A) On the pump
B) On the pump regulator
In both cases the safety valve should be mounted on the pressure line, in other words on the line where the pressure is
5-Make sure that the universal joint shaft that will be mounted to the pump shaft is assembled correctly. Do not
remove the covers of pumps and the universal joint shafts.
6-Fix the pump at its supports correctly.
7-The pressure levels are marked on all the hoses under pressure. Check these levels. These pressure levels have to be
greater than or equal to the maximum pump working pressure. There should be no wear in these hoses and they are to
be connected with other fittings safely.
Her çalýþma sonunda, bu çalýþmalar kýsa süreli dahi olsa kullanýlan sývý ile temasta olan pompa parçalarý temiz su ile
yýkanmalý ve temizlenmelidir. Bu yýkamayý yapabilmek için pompayý 4-5 dakika temiz su ile çalýþtýrýn. Daha sonra
emiþ hortumunu sökün, temiz suyun tamamen boþalmasýný saðlayýn. Bu suyu sývýnýn kullanýldýðý yere veya
kullanýmýnýn zarar vermeyeceði bir yere boþaltýn.
After each operation all the pump parts in contact with the liquid have to be washed with clean water and cleaned,
even if the operation is a short one. To be able to wash, run the pump with clean water for 4-5 minutes. Then remove
the suction hose, let all the clean water run out. Pour this water to a place where the liquid is used or where its usage
does not make any damage.
Yukarýdaki iþleme ilave olarak emiþ hortumundan pompa içine antifriz dökün ve pompanýzý antifriz basýnç hattý ile
geri dönüþ hattýndan çýkýncaya kadar çalýþtýrýn. Pompanýn içinde antifrizsiz su býrakmayýn, su donarak pompanýza
zarar verir.
In addition to the process stated above pour antifreeze through the suction hose into the pump and run your pump
until the antifreeze comes out of the pressure-, and backflow line. Do not keep water without antifreeze in the pump,
the water may be frozen and damage your pump.
Bu iþlem sýrasýnda pompa çalýþtýrýlmamalýdýr.Ýlk yað deðiþimi yaklaþýk 50 saat kullaným sonunda,diðer deðiþimleri
300-350 saat arasýnda yapýn. Yað olarak 20 W-50 Motor yað(dizel) evsafta veya ayný kalitede bir
yað kullanýn. Boþaltýlan yaðý çevreye dökmeyin bir kapta biriktirin.TAR125 ve TAR150 pompada
yað deðiþtirme iþleminden sonra þekilde gösterilen hava alma civatalarý yardýmý ile pompa
gövdesindeki hava boþaltýlmalýdýr.
The pump must not be run during this operation. The first oil change should be made after approx.
50 hrs of operation, make other changes between 300 and 350 hrs. Use 20 W-50 engine oil or its
equivalent. Do not pour the used oil to the environment; rather keep it in a container. For the
pumps TAR125 and TAR150 after the oil change operation the air trapped in the pump body must
be released with the help of the ventilation screws shown in the figure.