Assembly and Installation Instructions
for the AudioScience Microphone
D50053, Revision 5.0
Page 4
4. The microphone should be mounted far enough away from the videoconferencing system such
that one or both boundaries of the microphone are between the microphone element and the
loudspeakers of the videoconferencing system to prevent coupling of the direct sound from
the speakers into the microphone element.
Selecting a mounting location:
Minimum Distance from Videoconferencing system
5. The mounting holes of the microphone boundary must be directly under a ceiling track to
allow for mounting hardware. Additionally, to allow for easier changing of lighting tubes or
bulbs, the microphone should not be mounted where the microphone blocks these items. If,
due to acoustic concerns, a light fixture has to be “blocked” then string the microphone cable
in such a way as to allow for removal of the microphone when light bulbs or tubes need to be
6. If more than one microphone is to be used, consult your TANDBERG Dealer for
recommendations on mounting locations of the AudioScience microphone. TANDBERG has
available a document
The TANDBERG AudioScience Microphone: Theory and Operation
which can be helpful in understanding the issues involved with operating in a multiple
microphone environment.