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Integrated circuits (ICs)
Depending on the type, ICs fulfil various tasks. They are
polarized and therefore have to be mounted in a certain
direction. The most common housing form is the so-called
"DIL"-housing, from which 4, 6, 8, 14, 16, 18 or more "legs"
(pins) are arranged along the long sides. The mounting
orientation is shown by a semicircular or circular marking at the end of
the housing, which is also shown on the PCB layout.
ICs are sensitive to damage during soldering (heat, electrostatic
charging). For that reason in the place of the ICs IC sockets are
soldered in, in which the ICs are inserted later. The mounting
orientation of the sockets is preset as well. The markings on the PCB,
the socket and the IC must lie on top of each other after mounting.
Micro-controllers are ICs, which are individually programmed for the
particular application. When leaving the manufacturer, their memories
are empty. The programed controllers are normally only available from
the circuit manufacturer.
Terminal strips
Terminal strips are solder-in screw-type terminals. They provide a
solder-free and safe connection of the cables to the circuit, which can
still be seperated any time. When several terminal strips have to be
mounted side by side, they have to be put together before mounting.
Assembling the kit
Start the assembly with the resistors and the diodes. First solder the
components on the solder side of the PCB and then cut the excess
wires with the side cutter, as short as possible.
Next solder in the IC-socket. It has to be mounted according to the
marking on the PCB.
Continue the assembly with the capacitors, the electrolytic capacitors
and the transistor.