Creating and Saving Sequences
There are 2 ways to create a Sequence:
From the Exercise List, select the first Exercise to be included in the Sequence and open its Play
Exercise Screen. Tap Save at top right, then Save To Sequence. In the resulting dialog box, tap one
of the already saved Sequences (if one is already saved) and the Exercise will be added at the end of
the line to other Exercises already saved in that Sequence.
If you select New Sequence in the Save dialog box, it will be added as the first Exercise in the Se-
quence and you should name the Sequence.
Continue adding additional Exercises, in the order you want them to play, until you have no more
Exercises to add. An additional method is to click on the next open spot in the Sequence diagram and
then proceed to build a new Exercise from scratch, following directions in the Ball Screen section.
Such Exercises will be saved directly into the Sequence by tapping Save at top right, then Save in the
resulting popup window.
Editing and Deleting Sequences
Once a Sequence is created, you can edit it by changing the order of the Exercises, delete an Exercise,
and even modify Balls within each Exercise. To change the order of Exercises, open the Play Sequence
Screen. Then hold down on the Exercise you want to move. After a second or two, a popup menu will
appear. Select Move Left or Move Right to change the order of Exercises. Continue this same process
for each Exercise you want to move until all Exercises are in the order you wish.
If you want to delete a particular Exercise from a Sequence, follow the above procedure, but select
Delete from the popup window. And if you want to copy an Exercise, so it appears more than once in the
Sequence, select Duplicate, and a copy of that Exercise will be inserted immediately after the selected
To change parameters for individual Balls within an Exercise, tap on an Exercise in the Play Sequence
Screen and then proceed to make changes as described in the Ball Screen section (see page 8).
After making any changes to a Sequence, be sure to save your changes by using the standard Save
command at top right.
To delete an entire Sequence, go to the Exercise List, tap Edit at top right and locate the desired Se-
quence in the list. Then touch the Sequence and slide your finger to the left. A red stripe will appear and
a delete dialog box will appear. Tap Delete to permanently remove the Sequence.
Editing and Saving Exercises Within A Sequence
If an Exercise appears within a Sequence, but is not saved as an individual Exercise, it is possible to do
so with a few commands. Open the Play Sequence Screen. Tap on the Exercise you want to save. Then
tap Save at top right. In the resulting popup window, select Save As. Give the Exercise a unique name in
the dialog box and then tap Save. The Exercise will be saved as a stand alone Exercise and placed at the
bottom of the Exercise List.