Operating Safety
Owner's Guide
A pressure relief valve listed as complying with the standard for Relief Valve and Automatic Gas Shutoff
Devices for Hot Water Supply System, ANSI Z21.22
CSA 4.4, shall be installed at the time of installation
of the water heater in the location specified by the manufacturer. Local codes shall govern the installation of
relief devices for safety operation of the water heater. The relief valve must not be removed or plugged.
No valve shall be placed between the relief valve and the water heater. The relief from the discharge of
the pressure relief valve shall be disposed of in a suitable place where it will cause no damage. Also, there
shall be no other reducing coupling or other restrictions installed on the discharge line to restrict flow.
See Installation Manual heading “PRESSURE RELIEF VALVES” for installation and maintenance of relief
valve discharge line and other safety precautions.
Vapors from flammable liquids will explode and catch fire causing death or severe burns.
Do not use or store flammable products such as gasoline, solvents or adhesives in the same room or
area near the water heater.
Keep flammable products:
1. Far away from heater.
2. In approved containers.
3. Tightly closed and out of reach of children.
Water heater has a main burner, which may
come on at any time and will ignite flammable
1. Cannot be seen.
2. Are heavier than air.
Go a long way on the floor.
4. Can be carried from other rooms to the main
burner by air currents.
Do not install water heater where flammable products will be stored or
unless the main burner is at least 18” above the floor. This
will reduce, but not eliminate the risk
of vapors being ignited by the
main burner.
Read and follow water heater warnings and instructions. If the owner’s
manual is missing, contact the retailer or manufacturer.
Flammable Vapors
1. Water temperature over 125°F
can cause severe burns instantly or death from
Children, disabled and elderly are at highest risk of being scalded.
3. Feel water before bathing or showering.
4. Temperature limiting valves are available. See manual.
5. The outlet temperature of the water heater is set at 120°
F (50
C). If you require water temperatures
below this setting, follow the instruction manual.
Use this heater at your own risk. Test the water before bathing or showering. Do not leave children or
an infirm person unsupervised. See your local water supply company [plumbing hardware retailer] for
temperature limiting valves that are available.